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Three Year Old


Don't just give your child a Head Start
Give them a Bright Beginning!
Welcome!  Your child is now a Moonbeam! Three-year-olds are full of wonder. This is an exciting time for these young learners, who are changing physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. The focus of the Three-Year-old program is to give children the opportunity to learn through play in a loving, caring environment.
Days are filled with busy explorations, investigations, and discoveries. They practice math and number concepts using age-appropriate materials to organize, sort, count, build, and sequence.

The children experience the numbers 0-10 with the help of our math’s program “The Number Puppies”.   Each week children will discover a new number puppy, his/her colour and shape. Some of the children may be familiar with the number already, but we will reinforce it in a variety of fun and interesting ways so that the children will have a sound understanding of numerals.

During your child's time in the Moonbeams, we will be laying foundations for the future education of your child.  We will be concentrating on such areas as social development and listening skills, their independence and communication skills, as well as the more academic studies of numeracy and literacy.

Experienced teachers plan thematic units in math, literacy, science, social studies, and art to thoroughly prepare children for a smooth transition to “big school” with a rich, robust learning foundation.

At this age, children develop at such varied rates and no two children are the same, so we will value them as individuals and encourage them to learn at their own pace.  Reinforcement at home is also a key step in their learning journey, so we will keep you updated on what we are doing in the class so that you can play and talk to your child about similar things at home.
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